A Different Type of Sweet Music

A new musical collaboration adds to the Travis Arts.

Janey McIntire, Writer/Editor

Clubs help make a scholar’s school year more fun and interesting. A group called ‘United Sound’ comes together and teaches students with special needs how to play various instruments to the best of their abilities.

United Sound is an Orange County Department of Education(OCDE) program that allows general education orchestra students opportunities to teach special education students string instruments. Every week, United Sound meets on Tuesdays. Right now, they have three new musicians (special education students) in the program who are learning how to play the viola and/or violin. Throughout United Sound, the Advanced Orchestra students are able to gain a greater admiration for this musical education.

Students like Zachary Chikulo, Yipu Luo, and Adam Lagunas are learning instruments to make music around the classroom. Zach and Adam both play the violin, while Yipu plays viola.

“United Sound is a unique program that trains leaders in the regular music classroom while at the same time provides access to music for our special education students. My students in orchestra get to experience the role of a mentor/teacher and foster a very rewarding and musical partnership with the new musicians from SPED.” told Mr. Fang (Staff).

 “It just a great way to learn things about the students, and it’s great to see their personalities and how they learn,”Sarah Kleinschmit (8) stated


 “Because you get to learn about someone else, and help them learn something they cannot learn alone,” added Anna Manthei (8).


All in all, United sound is an amazing class with wonderful scholars; Together they make captivating and creative music, and learn a little bit more about each other and themselves in the process.