What Was Spring Break All About and Why

May 1, 2023
What Did Most Students Do over spring break?
Many of us here at Travis Ranch had interesting spring breaks that are so awesome. But the question is what did most of us do on spring break and how was it? Some people went on a vacation, some relaxed, some visited family, some hung out with friends and so much more. During spring break one student (Brody Reeds), traveled by car to Sacramento during spring break to visit his family. Another student (John Iszard) had some friends over at his house to hang out during his spring break.
In order to find out what most students did for spring break I decided to ask 40 students to describe what they did for spring break. I then planned to categorize the vacations into groups based on their description. The four categories that I chose were: vacation, visiting family, relaxing, and hanging out with friends. The students were selected at random by picking every 5th person that entered the school. I did my selection like this so that the data would be unbiased since everyone enters school. After this, I asked the same students if they had a preference to do something different for spring break.
The students were selected at random by picking every 5th person that entered the school. I did my selection like this so that the data would be unbiased since everyone enters school. There were a handful of students that didn’t want to answer the question. When this happened I just went to the next 5th person. I was happy that I had a well-balanced number of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders participate in my survey.
After I had interviewed the 40 random students I collected the following data: Visited family (7)
Vacation (10)
Relaxed (13)
Hung out with friends(10)
The data showed that the majority of students just simply relaxed. I have to admit I thought the majority would fall into the relaxed category from the start. This is because I thought that for many people traveling would be hard for parents during some random week of April. It is also a small window to get a lot done so it makes sense that people would just take it easy.
As I researched to back up my theory I found that way more people go on vacation in the summer since it is warmer and there is more time to plan. I also asked the students that just relaxed why they did not travel or have friends over. Some of the responses were that they were too busy during this short break and others that their family planned to travel in the summer.
Some of you may be surprised by the results but I know I am not the only one who predicted this. This is because I asked some students what they thought the majority would be. Shaun Diaz, a random participant in the survey said “ I think the majority will say they relaxed because spring break is short and most parents still have to work.”
I then answered the second part of my article question by asking half of the 40 students at random if this is how they wanted to spend their spring break. The results were: The results were: vacation(13)
Visit family:(2)
Hang out with friends(3)
The results show that most people wish they had a different spring break; preferably to go on vacation. One student that affirms this is Gabriel Barnett who I interviewed. He said, “My break was kind of boring, I wanted to go on vacation or something.”
The data concludes that most people relaxed even though they would have preferred to get away somewhere. While vacation was what most of the students desired, their reality was simply taking it easy and relaxing.