Finish Off Strong

Ideas on how to start 4th quarter off the right way.

Molly Martin, Photojournalist

As new quarters during the school year begin, kicking off the quarter strong is significant in maintaining good grades. Ending the quarter right is equally as important in earning a passing grade or above. There are multiple tips and ways for students to improve and sustain high grades.

At the beginning of the quarter, one way to begin on a good note is to turn in all of your homework the day it is due to your teacher. Homework is one of the easiest ways to keep your grade up because the assignments are usually easier than tests or quizzes given by teachers. If you are unable to focus or complete tasks at home or you do not have a computer to do homework, students have access to use the library at school. In addition, using your planner to write homework or upcoming tests is crucial to achieving good grades. This keeps you organized and ensures you know what to do and when a task is due in each class without having to rely on memory. Also, writing a list of goals for each quarter that you want to achieve helps you stay focused to reach these goals. Getting enough sleep each night and arriving to school early or on time each day helps performance. Good rest improves you focus during school and nine hours is recommended for teenagers each night.

Ending the quarter strong is also necessity to earning the best grades possible. To begin, talking to your teachers about earning extra credit a couple weeks before the quarter ends can help boost your grades. If you are willing to put in an additional effort, your teachers will probably be willing to give you extra credit for the work but you cannot wait until the last day of the quarter to reach out to them. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can give you more energy and make it easier to focus and achieve better grades. According to, the website states, “Kids who fuel up in the morning with a breakfast high in carbohydrates and protein before heading off to school gain many benefits, both mental and physical.” In addition, studying for upcoming tests and paying attention in class can increase the odds of earning a good grades on them which can be crucial to your grade. Ava Langpap, an 8th grader states, “I prefer to study for tests and quizzes before I go to sleep because I am able to remember more information.”